spinach and bananas
Spinach, the best to add for a Green Smoothie, in my opinion. Kale is pretty good too but I didn't master blending my greens very fine until I did a little research. I have perfected it now when blending spinach. The trick is to mix your liquid and green FIRST before adding any other fruits or veggies. Start the blender off slow and give the blender a few minutes to really chop it up good. That way all the bit little go down smoothly. But still check your teeth after drinking.
I find recipes online that I really like and write them down or bookmark them. Look for the ones that have things you would actually buy or already carry in your house. For example I had a container full of oats in the cabinet. Taking that, a banana and a few strawberries, a nice amount of milk, I'd made a tasty beverage. Just try it with anything you like. Play with the flavor. If tangy maybe add something sweet.
strawberry and banana
Its the best way to get the recommend amount of vegetables and fruits per day. This will help you stay healthy and strong with little effort. Mind and body all getting the vitamins it needs. No cooking and hassle. Nothing wrong with keeping your body healthy right? You only get one. How about we do our best to take care of it. I'll get more into the reasons why its SOOO good for your body later...
Even the kids like it