Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Facebook Rehab

Miss me? I know you guys did. Well I missed me-- I haven't updated on my blog in a long time. But I'm going to start again because I have officially broke up with Facebook. Yes, our relationship will be over by the end of today. I've let all my friends know.. I'm sure they won't miss me though. I don't update my status often. I just go around sharing natural hair photos and liking peoples pictures and videos (which seems to be the majority on my feed). Last night I seen a video that someone shared, going in I had no idea what I was about to see. But what I seen sent me into tears. I couldn't believe what I was looking at, though it wasn't the first time. Smh. People do not realize the mark that they are leaving out in the world. I will not be a part of such foolish acts. Anything I put out into the world will have some real thought behind it.
Now as for other social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram they're on the chopping block as well. I may not delete my Twitter as quickly (truthfully I'm addicted) I'm just going to remove A LOT of the people I'm following. Which is much easier since these are basically strangers. Facebook isn't that easy. So I will just delete myself.
So this is goodbye Facebook... I would say I'm going to miss you... but I won't. This should be a speedy recovery for me.

This is the status I left behind:

Like i stated before I'm going to shut my FB page down for a little while (if not forever). I'm just tired of looking at some of the hurtful stuff you people say and share on this site. The fights, the abuse, the hurt kids, the "bitches be like..." photos, all that nonsense. And there's just NO FILTER. It isn't entertaining to me anymore just a bunch of useless and senseless images and text. You people have no limits to the stuff you like and share with the world. You do realize these are the breadcrumbs you are leaving out in society?? Umm. Yeah Im a fault as well which is why Im starting with me. I have a blog and will start updating that more. Visit my page when you get a chance and stop [drop] a comment sometimes... 


  1. I completely understand. I delete people off my profile that post nonsense. I'm SO SICK of bitches be like and niggas be like memes it's RIDICULOUS

  2. I feel you! I'm not on any social networking site (except Pinterest), and I am just fine with that. It's a sad day when you turn on the news and news reporters are talking about who tweeted what and why. There are bigger issues out there. These social sites allow cowards to become heros. It's unbelievable and sad. Good for you for taking a stand!
